Jan 14, 2016

biz plan

You may or may not have a business plan. It's essential. It maps your territory, whether you've blazed a trail or not. I've put together a list of items to have in mind when you create a plan or review your current one.

A business plan gives you an advantage. It puts you in the position of knowing your limitations and what to expect for future growth. Don't be afraid..... the knowledge you'll gain will give you all new perspective.

1. Know your competition.

Stand for something, even if it means standing alone. Often the one who stands alone has the strongest wings. You'll learn creativity. Be an oak.... oak tree that is. Take care of others and others will take care of you. You'll automatically continue your journey and know that what you do is more important than what the competition is doing. But you'll learn who your competition is too.

2. Know your audience.

When you do what you do with passion. You want much and you have given much, but to who? Did you pay attention to that? You should have. That's your audience. How old are they? Where are they from? What gender? Pay attention and keep track of this.

3. Have proof to backup claims.

Enough said.

4. Be Conservative in all your financial estimates and projections.

Don't make a mess. We all seem to think we'll do better do we actually do. Apparently that's a human condition. Speak less and listen more.

5. Be realistic with time.

Ask yourself what you want. If you want something you've never had before you'll have to do something you've never done before. That means you'll have to venture outside your safety zone. Not easy, and it'll take time. Use that time wisely, it's a precious commodity.

6. Be loyal and write what bankers want to see.

Create a plan you can be proud of. Let your confidence come through. If your business plan is good it shows that you are worth every risk and you'll pursue every opportunity that comes your way. Pay attention and the banker will pay attention to you.

These may help you to get organized to produce your plan or review what you have. Go get what you're after.

This article from inc.com was inspiration to write this post: 18 Business Lessons

Jan 11, 2016

data for growth

Data grows up to 60% a year. 90% of the world's data was created in the last two years.

6 billion people have cell phones. The world population is 7 billion.

Business analysts spend 80% of their time looking for information, and only 20% using it. Data analysis is crucial for companies that want to grow.

An analytical specialist collects chaotic data, structurises it and delivers it.

There are 3 types of data analysis:
  1. Prescriptive Analytics
  2. Predictive Analytics
  3. Descriptive Analytics
Analytics does not remove the need for human insights. There is a compelling need for people to understand data, think from the business point of view, and to come up with insights.

There is a need for professionals with analytic skills that look to harness the power of big data. The ocean of big data is vital to the organization.

To grow visuals come into play. 66% of social media posts are visual according to inc.com. The brain processes visuals better and faster.

Imagery grabs attention
Visuals are easily shareable